"Rajd Arsenał" is a scouts event taking place each year in march. For 2018, we decided to focus on the future - not space travel, but rather that "dreamt future" taking place nowadays. Main theme was taken from words from WWII: "...in the future we will fight on different battlefront: social, cultural, political."
That's what sparked the idea of visual identity - it had to be something new, fresh, full of hope and new beginnings.

The logo started with a simple shape of a leaf. Then came the other 2 shapes, symbolising growth and connection between past, present and future. The finishing touch was the 2 lines on the right side - meant to balance the whole design - the yellow leaf is much lighter than the green ones. The logo was completed by the leaves pattern - less geometric, more flexible and whimsical, like the real, living plants. The pattern was used in all of the designs for the event, sometimes in a form of 2-3 leaves scattered around, but mostly rather as a frame for various content.

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